Firmware Version: 2.7.82
MYTVOnline Version: 1.8.0
Updated Models: Formuler Z Prime / Formuler Z+ / Formuler Z
The November Z-Series software update has been released and is ready for immediate download.
The MYTVOnline v1.8.0 update gives users to option to switch to a more traditional channel list layout (P.I.G. Service List). Access the new option from the MYTVOnline Settings menu.
Formuler has also implemented the "Instant-ON" technology to save time when powering-on the box from standby mode. Wake-up time from standby has been drastically reduced.
Reboot your device now to receive the automatic OTA update.
Classic Channel List
Release Notes:
Formuler Z-Series Firmware Version 2.7.82
Screen-off mode added for faster recovery from standby mode.
Increased size of homescreen mini-tiles
MYTVOnline Version 1.8.0
Faster wake-up from standby mode
Classic channel list UI style now available
MYTVOnline >> Settings >> Channel List Style: Select "Classic"
Fixed VOD title display bug
General bug fixes and performance enhancements